Assigned Pooling Pattern Roundup

I’m often asked how many Assigned Pooling patterns I have written, what shape are they, what stitches do they use, and what yarn is appropriate for them.
Even though I always include this information in each pattern’s description, I thought it would be nice to have one centralized list so that you can compare the details at a glance.

All of my patterns can be found under the PATTERNS tab above and also on Ravelry.

All of my Assigned Pooling colorways can be found under the HOUSE COLLECTION tab above. Look for skeins marked AP or AP Banded.

All pattern support questions should be sent to

Stay informed about all new patterns and colorways by subscribing to my newsletter and by following me on Instagram @Barker.Wool.

Stay Tuned!
I’ll be adding to this list as new patterns come out.

Dawn Barker18 Comments